Pavement Project is a Lifewords initiative that brings hope and healing to children at risk.

In 1998, Lifewords decided to take on the challenge of taking the Word of God to children in social vulnerability, in a culturally relevant and appropriate way, so that their lives would be changed through an encounter with Jesus.

As a result, Pavement Project emerged – a program that brings hope and restoration to ‘at-risk children’. Since the year 2000, thousands of children from 4 continents have experienced the interactive activity of the green bag, which helps children share their stories of trauma and hurt, and uses stories from the Bible in return to address the specific issues children face, delivering a message (and an experience) of God’s love and healing. The programme contributes to children’s spiritual formation and emotional healing, as part of the holistic care of a child.

Pavement Project trains workers and equips their organisations with this counselling resource. We work in partnership with churches and organisations that care for children who have suffered trauma and abuse, and who live in some of the most dangerous cities in the world. This includes, for example, children living on the streets, in shelters, or foster families; children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS; children involved with armed groups; children in conflict with the law; and children living in violent communities.

Pavement Project is fully active in 21 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela, India, Indonesia, DRC, Kenya, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Portugal.

Our Latin America ministry is based from our office in Brazil – also the global hub for our Pavement Project work in 21 countries (led by Pavement Project Global Director, Clenir dos Santos).

Luciana Falcão
Pavement Project Brazil Coordinator

Cleisse Denise Andrade
Pavement Project Latin America Coordinator

Clenir Xavier dos Santos
Pavement Project Global Director
